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The Jewish Woman Site

The Jewish Woman is a site dedicated to providing Jewish women of all backgrounds intellectually challenging, emotionally uplifting and inspirationally stimulating articles.  VISIT HERE

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Rosh Chodesh: The new moon
A Holiday for Jewish Women
The first commandment given to the Jews as a nation was to create a calendar based on the cycle of the moon: "And G‑d said to Moses… in the land of Egypt… This month is for you, the head of the months. First it is for you among the months of the year."
Rosh Chodesh is literally the "head of the month". Special prayers are added to the daily service and we wish each other, "Chodesh tov," a good month. Rosh Chodesh is also known as a “women’s holiday,” and many women have the custom to refrain from tedious household chores such as laundry and sewing on these days.  READ MORE.

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The Rosh Chodesh Society is a global initiative that aims to transform the lives of Jewish women, their families, and their greater communities through the bonds of shared Jewish experience. Through an international network of women scholars, leaders, and educators, we provide cutting-edge adult education in tandem with monthly cultural and social programs.
Our ultimate vision is to empower, inform, and inspire women to spark a worldwide spiritual revolution that will ensure a brighter future for the Jewish people.


What comes to mind when you think of religion?

A way of looking at life, perhaps, a story about the world, or a way to pray? For many, a faith is a core set of beliefs surrounded by a little ceremony. For us, that’s precisely backwards: Judaism is less a system of belief than a system of action.

But what’s so inspiring about all those dreary dos and don’ts?
Well-Connected  will reveal the soul of Jewish ritual life by showing how to make each mitzvah personal, and a way to connect to something beyond ourselves. Each month, we put one area of Jewish law under the microscope and explore its rationale, relevance, and practical application. As we proceed, a complete vision of the mysticism, the beauty, and the richness of divinely inspired life will emerge.

Well-Connected  is just the thing if you’re feeling mitzvah-curious, or if you simply want to find out more about practical Judaism. Beyond that—if you’re looking for a deeper engagement with Jewish ritual and how to live in deed—indeed, this is just the thing to do.